Book published in March 2024 by Grey Owl (Malta)
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It is impossible to individually list all the sources used in this book, but the most important ones were:
Ufficio Storico Della Marina Militare
Sommergibili files.
Maricosom files.
Betasom files.
Supermarina war diaries
The National Archives (London) [TNA]
ADM 1 series.
ADM 53 series.
ADM 173 series.
ADM 199 series.
ADM 223 series.
DEFE 3 series (Ultra signals).
HW18 series.
HW19 series
The National Archives (Washington) [NARA]
T1022 series (captured German Naval documents)
T821 series (captured Italian documents)
RG38 series (USN operations)
Service Historique de la Défense (Vincennes) [SHD]
TTY series
Hellenic Naval Archives (Athens) [HNA]
Naval Staff History.