
BdUBefehlshaber der Uboote or Commanding Officer Submarines
BETASOMItalian Submarine Flotilla and Naval Base at Bordeaux
C. in C.Commander in Chief
CREMCorpo Reale Equipaggio di Marina (Military personnel in Regia Marina)
FAAFleet Air Arm
GRUPSOMGruppo Sommergibili or Submarine Flotilla
HMSHis Majesty’s Ship
HMASHis Majesty’s Australian Ship
HMCSHis Majesty’s Canadian Ship
HMISHis Majesty’s Indian Ship
HNMSHer Netherlands Majesty’s Ship
HHMSHis Hellenic Majesty’s Ship
HMNZSHis Majesty’s New Zealand Ship
HMSASHis Majesty’s South African Ship
ISLDInter-Services liaison detachments (MI6 in the Middle East)
MARICOSOMItalian Submarine Command
MARIGAMMASOMItalian Submarine Training Base at Gotenhafen
MARISUPAOComando Superiore Marina in Africa Orientale or the Italian Naval High Command in East Africa
MI6British Intelligence Service (aka SIS or Secret Intelligence Service)
OKMOberkommando der Kriegsmarine or German Naval High Command
OSSOffice of Strategic Services
RAAFRoyal Australian Air Force
RAFRoyal Air Force
RHAFRoyal Hellenic Air Force
RHNRoyal Hellenic Navy
RMRoyal Marine
RNRoyal Navy
RNVRRoyal Navy Volunteer Reserve
SKLSeekriegsleitung or German Maritime Warfare Command
SIMServizio Informazioni Militare, the Italian Intelligence Secret Service
SLCSiluri a lenta corsa or Human Torpedoes (“Chariots”)
SOESpecial Operations Executive
STAMAGEStato Maggiore Generale aka Comando Supremo or Italian High Command
USNUnited States Navy
USSUnited States Ship
USAAFUnited States Army Air Force